Purity's Dazzling Light
Purity's Dazzling Light
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Purity’s Dazzling Light & White Fire Substance
The Snow King & Snow Queen

2023 New Year's Conference held in Tucson, Arizona, December 28, 2022 – January 1, 2023

Available as audio download or DVD of audio files

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Expand Your Oneness with Your Mighty I AM Presence and Have Its Ascended Master God Consciousness and Ascended Master Light Act in Your World!

Drink in the Monumental Momentum of Light Released by the Snow King and Snow Queen! Let Your Heart Leap into this Dazzling Light! And Be Drawn Closer to Your Mighty I AM Presence! By Dispensation of the Karmic Board, the Snow King and Snow Queen presided over the 2023 New Year’s Conclave. The Snow King, along with Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, Elohim Purity, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to give you a deeper understanding of the Electronic Body and Causal Body of your I AM Presence — and how these vehicles can overshadow you and release their powerful Momentums of God Light, God Good, and God Perfection throughout your entire world! Let the Snow King instruct you on the Path of Mastery. Let Elohim Purity teach you how to expand Purity. And let Mother Mary draw you close to the Emerald Matrix of your God Identity. These Releases are your passport into the Land of the White Fire Sun, your True Home of Light — Akasha — and your invitation to a glorious Ascended Master Retreat experience of immersion in the dazzling Light of God Purity and Perfection!

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.