Gautama Buddha — The Open Door of the Heart Decree Book Helicon Solar Shield
Decree Book
Price $20.00
Golden Gift Pocket Series
The Temple of The Presence Decree Book: I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats and Rhythmic Decrees
Helicon Solar Shield, available in various sizes.
The Story of the Godhead Charioteers Ruby Chalice Visitations: The Maha Chohan Speaks on The God Quailities The Chohans & The First Ray Masters Lead the Temple & The Torch Bearers To Their Ascended Master Victory! plus The Infinite Power of the Book of Cosmic Law
Study guide with excerpt audio DVD.
The Maha Chohan Speaks on The God Quailities
2023 Harvest Conference and Acropolis Sophia held in Tucson, Arizona, October 4 – 15, 2023
Diamond Heart of the Godhead Charioteer plus The Resurrected Christ Presence The Sacred Sabbath Weeks  in The Love Star Retreat 2022 Shekhinah Pillar
Shekhinah Pillar
Price $15.00
2023 Easter Conference and Acropolis Sophia held in Tucson, Arizona, April 5 – 16, 2023
High Holy Season Sunday Services held in Tucson, Arizona, November 20, 2022 – January 8, 2023
Shekhinah Pillar, available in various sizes.