The Sacred Sabbath Weeks in The Love Star Retreat 2020
The Sacred Sabbath Weeks  in The Love Star Retreat 2020
Price $25.00

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The Sacred Sabbath Weeks in The Love Star Retreat 2020

High Holy Season Sunday Services held in Tucson, Arizona, November 22, 2020 – January 10, 2021

Available as audio download or DVD of audio files

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Receive the Abundant Blessings of the Secret Love Star and Accelerate Your Path to Christhood!

During Each Sacred Christmas Season, the Nine Luminaries of the Secret Love Star Radiate Their Momentum and Attainment that You Can Magnetize into Your Consciousness and Wise Use. Won’t You Embrace this Magnificent Opportunity? The 2020-2021 High Holy Season brought the return of the Brotherhood of Light’s Dispensation of the seven-week Sacred Sabbath Cycle, whereby students are invited into the Secret Love Star Retreat to observe, participate, and internalize all that is the Presence of God — and then establish these Divine Patterns in their daily lives. This album contains every Dictation presented during these Seven Sacred Sundays, plus the Dictation by the Maha Elohim Ouranos with the Great Silent Watcher delivered during the “Great Sabbath Jubilee” which concluded this cycle. As you listen to these Releases and contemplate the Divine God Qualities celebrated during each Sacred Week, let the Light of the Secret Love Star pour forth all that you require to assist you in this new year to establish the new momentum of the “new you” as the Presence of God abiding as the Christ — manifesting the Will of God to fulfill your own Fiery Destiny and that of the Earth!

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.