Cosmic Law on the Protection of the Holy Innocents
Cosmic Law on the Protection of the Holy Innocents
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Cosmic Law on the Protection of the Holy Innocents

Sunday Services held in Tucson, Arizona, September 20 & October 4, 2020

Available as audio download or DVD of audio files

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Know the Truth of Cosmic Law® Regarding the Life of God in the Womb!

The Truth of Cosmic Law® must be the rule for the United States and the World! Protection for the Christ Light and Holy Innocents must be upheld for the Dawning Golden Age of Saint Germain to come to pass!

God’s Law of Purity does not allow for harm toward the Innocent and Holy, whether these precious ones are in the womb or outside. Certain scales of blindness, rationality, and injustice that allow for the perpetration of abortion and its legality must be addressed, as a collective burden of karma and weight of decisions being made in the United States. The Ascended Masters come to share the Truth, plainly and forthrightly, to give the opportunity to the Torch Bearers and Light Bearers to invoke the Light into this condition and align themselves with Right Action so that the cycles can turn toward a greater acceleration of the Golden Age.

On September 20, 2020, the Goddess of Light presented Teaching regarding abortion. Two weeks later, Mother Mary addressed this same subject. These landmark Releases are essential to help you understand the Truth of Cosmic Law.

Mother Mary cradles every precious little one in the womb and holds the Holy Innocents who have been aborted in her abiding Love. The Goddess of Light asks, “Where would you be if you had been aborted before the first breath in this physical life?” Won’t you wield her Sword Excalibur in defense of each and every little one? Won’t you call for the balancing of this collective karma, and for the Truth of Cosmic Law to be known worldwide, so that all Life, in the womb and outside, will be valued and protected? These Truths must be known and accepted for the Golden Age to come to pass!

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.