Keep the Dream, the Sapphire Dream, Alive!
Keep the Dream, the Sapphire Dream, Alive!
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Keep the Dream
The Sapphire Dream

2019 Freedom Conference held in Tucson, Arizona, July 3 – 7, 2019

Available as audio download or DVD of audio files

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Keep the Sapphire Dream and the Flame of Freedom Alive for Your Presence, for Future Generations, for the Golden Age, and for Earth as Freedom’s Star!

Are You Ready to Awaken to Your True Identity and Divine Destiny? To Remember and Keep the Sapphire Dream of the Will of Your Presence Alive within Your Heart? Then Here is Your Guidebook for Victory! During the 2019 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain, El Morya, Pallas Athena, the Goddesses of Liberty and Purity, and the Elohims Surya, and Peace and Aloha presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to help you expand your awareness of the True Nature, Authority, and capabilities of your own I AM Presence. This album contains all 14 Discourses and Dictations delivered during this momentous Conclave, plus 5 bonus Releases. Discover the Divine Ideal of God Freedom, and God as “The One.” Learn what it means to keep the dream alive and unsullied. Let El Morya teach you the Adept’s formula for Victory in all aspects of life. And understand what will allow you and Saint Germain to work together! These Releases will inspire you to manifest the Sapphire Dream of your own Mighty Presence, and uphold the Flame of Freedom for the Victory of the Golden Age! As Pallas Athena proclaims, “You can do this!”

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.