Harmonies of the Golden Age
Harmonies of the Golden Age
Price $25.00

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Pealing Freedom’s Flame!

2017 Freedom Conference held in Tucson, Arizona, June 28 - July 2, 2017

Available as audio download or DVD of audio files

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Attune to, Absorb, and Anchor the Perfect Divine Patterns of the Golden Age!

Let God Freedom Ring! For the Ascended Masters Invite You to Attune to the Akashic Liberty Bell Resonating with the Perfect Harmonies of the Divine Design of the Golden Age!During the fiery 2017 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain, the Goddess of Liberty, Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus, Surya, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to teach you how to reach into those Realms of Perfection where the Golden Age is a tangible Reality — and anchor that Perfection into the physical plane. This album contains all fourteen Conclave Releases, plus five additional Discourses and Dictations. Discover the Power within Akasha available to you. Learn the importance of Divine Wisdom; of your Electronic Circle; and of conserving and elevating the Sacred Fire. Understand how to access the Momentums of your own Causal Body. These Releases are your invitation to join your Heart to Saint Germain’s and drink in the glorious Patterns of the Golden Age — and then anchor them into the Earth in all their Perfection to remake the world!

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.