Acropolis Sophia
2017 Easter Conference and Acropolis Sophia
held in Tucson, Arizona,
April 12 – 23, 2017
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You
Master the Science of the Ruby Ray
to Consume Burdens, Negativity, and Unreality —
and Re-establish the Divine Edenic Blueprint
in Yourself and in the Earth!
Lord Maitreya calls you into the Initiations of the Ruby Fire. Accept…and Accelerate! During the 2017 Easter Conclave and subsequent Acropolis Sophia, nineteen Ascended Masters, including Maitreya, Lanto, Krishna, Saint Germain, Zarathustra, El Morya, the Maha Chohan, the Great Divine Director, El Samyam, and several Elohim and Archangels presented powerful Releases of their Light and Teachings to train you in the intense Love of the Third Secret Ray of the Ruby Fire. Understand the gift of the Dispensation of the Oriflamme Chalice. Discover the Lords of the Solar Devas. Let Krishna activate the Resurrection Flame in your life. And learn the importance of “The Presence of the Presence is Everywhere Present.” This double album contains every Dictation and almost every Discourse presented during this transformational twelve-day cycle. The Whirlwind Action of the Ruby Fire in these Releases will help you rise in attunement, Attainment, and Mastery. The Hosts of Heaven await your invocation of the Oriflamme Chalice — so it can perform its Perfect Work through you and direct Rivers of Ruby Fire to redeem the Earth and thrust her forever into the Golden Age!
You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.