Forging Golden Helicon
Forging Golden Helicon
Price $25.00

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Forging Golden Helicon
With The Goddess of Liberty and The Seven Mighty Elohim

Teachings to Bathe You in the Divine Intelligence of the All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Pervading, All-Uniting, Victorious Consciousness of the One Mind of the One Presence!

2008 Harvest Conclave
Held October 1 - 5, 2008 in Tucson, Arizona

For playing on your computer or iPod

Includes Addresses by Sanat Kumara, Hercules, Apollo, Heros, Saint Germain, and more!

Electrify your mind, electrify your memory, electrify your feelings, and electrify the etheric double portion of your physical world with the illuminating Golden River of Life that is the Helicon! Let the Brotherhood’s Dispensation of a mighty river of liquid Divine Light of the Mind of God refresh, renew, and transform you! During the 2008 Harvest Class, the Ascended Masters and the Seven Mighty Elohim delivered invaluable Teachings on how to put on the Golden Fleece of your Christ Mind, elevate your attention out of this physical plane, and, operating in your Christ Presence, enter the stream of the Golden River and the Perfection of the Buddhic World. Learn how to make your mind an extension of the One Divine Mind — and have the Helicon’s golden healing currents of Peace, Harmony, Illumination, and Enlightenment flood your world!

Album Booklet
Conference Poster