Freedom’s New Frontier
Freedom’s New Frontier

Price $25.00

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An Audio DVD of Ascended Master Teachings to Help You Tap the Unlimited Resources of the Great Sea of Universal Light

2006 Freedom Conclave
held in Tucson, Arizona

For playing on your computer or iPod

Saint Germain invites you on a voyage of discovery into a wonderful new world! Let your consciousness soar as Saint Germain provides your passport into the Edenic Perfection and Purity of the realm where the Ascended Masters and your own God Presence reside — that tangible realm known as the Great Sea of Universal Light — that is your native and eternal home. During The Temple of The Presence’s 2006 Freedom Conclave, Saint Germain provided in-depth instruction on how to navigate and master this realm. This dimension holds a vast array of wealth, opportunity, and talent that is yours to garner! Celebrate your spiritual independence — elevate your consciousness into this New Frontier of Freedom!