Teachings and Remarkable Gifts to Aid You in Achieving Your Christhood
Tucson, Arizona, June 30 - July 4, 2004, continuing through the Acropolis Sophia Class, July 5 - 11, 2004
The Ascended Masters present to you — the infant Christ Child of Saint Germain’s Dawning Golden Age — priceless and profound gifts of their vast momentums of attainment to accelerate and aid you in achieving the golden crown of the Victory of your Christhood! These Discourses and Dictations from the Ascended Masters were recorded during the July 2004 Conclave of The Temple of The Presence® and the Acropolis Sophia® which followed. Discover these momentous Dispensations of divine grace from the Masters’ Hearts: Elohim Apollo’s Sun Ray Compass to keep you pointed to your True Identity; the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple’s Turquoise Sphere filled with the consciousness of all the Fifth Ray Masters; Ray-O-Light’s powerful Fearlessness Sword; and Rose of Light’s flaming Ruby Heart. From Serapis Bey, Hierarch of Luxor’s Ascension Temple, receive a Golden Key with Seven Bars of the consciousness of each of the Seven Chohans. Claim your own additional gifts from the Maha Chohan, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Lanello, Vaivasvata Manu, the Goddess of Music, and Karmic Board members Nada, Portia and Pallas Athena. These fourteen gifts will change your consciousness forever if you will but accept and utilize them! Also included in this album are Discourses introducing you to the Ascended Ones who embody the archetypal divine attributes symbolized by the ancient Greek Muses. Inheriting their momentums will fire your creativity and inspire you to join with those across the Earth creating a new divine culture under the sponsorship of Pallas Athena!