Sunday Service, March 4, 2007
Sunday Service, March 4, 2007

Price $4.00

Dictation by Beloved Kwan Yin: Allow the Flame of Your Heart to Fill Your Outer Vehicles delivered by Anointed Representative® Carolyn Louise Shearer

Audio file recorded March 4, 2007

Beloved Kwan Yin implores you to place your attention upon your Heart and examine any limitations to your Christ Discernment, for misconceptions and false ideals do not allow the Heart to perform its Perfect Work with Constancy. You must clear away all debris that prevents you from knowing what is true and what is not. Often, after entering into your Heart and having a blissful experience, you have allowed the mind to question the validity of your experience. But when you cherish these experiences and nourish them, they become the stronghold of your reality. Doing this regularly establishes a rhythm that becomes the inner strength to step forth courageously and be victorious in all things you are to accomplish. You learn by the absorption of the Flame of the Heart into your outer vehicles, for they are to be filled with this Flame, knowing themselves to be the Consciousness of the Heart and this Flame to be the one unified action of Christ Consciousness. Then you are the hands, the feet, the Heart, the Voice, and the Mind of your own God Presence. Kwan Yin releases sufficient Violet Flame to consume any guilt or doubt in yourself and your ability to become the Christ.