Discourse: Purity & Devotion delivered by Anointed Representative
® Monroe Julius Shearer
Dictation by John the Beloved: The Glorious Path delivered by Anointed Representative
® Carolyn Louise Shearer
Audio file recorded January 19, 2003
We speak to you today of the inner armor of protection that is needed by all disciples of the Ascended Masters who would win their Ascension. We focus on Purity and Devotion as these qualities are necessary if you are to forge your own pathway home to the Heart of the I AM Presence. In this Activity, we are content with our communion with our Beloved I AM Presence as the Source of our being and the goal of our attention and our striving. In order to win your Ascension, you must forge your way out of time and space and find your anchor point beyond the veil in the Electronic Body. This involves a certain mystical approach to religion and to life. As you strive to reach through the veil, many things will present themselves to you to take your attention, your time, your energy. It will be necessary for you to swim through the psychic world. On this pathway, imitations of reality may appear that require the Inner Garment of Purity to protect the individual. Those who have a genuine hunger and thirst for the Presence need not fear these outer allurements because they will find them to be empty. The Temple Of The Presence will be known for its Love for the God Presence above all else. That Love is the primary force behind our Service and enables us to be content in the Ascended Master Way of Life. It is important for students of the Ascended Masters to be clad in this armor of Purity of Consciousness and Devotion to the living Presence, to pass through this world without any substance clinging to them, and to abide in communion with the Presence.
You are in incarnation to further expand the Creation of God. For the Heart of God desired to do more than could be accomplished from the Inner Realms of Light and propelled your own God Presence to come to this vast way station that would allow you the Opportunity to embrace a new way to create and thrust the Heart of God into all areas of life. Begin the process of learning how to work with this great and glorious new adventure. Time and time again the Ascended Masters have sent forth their Messengers with the Vibration to bring about the delineation between the lesser vibration and lower vehicles and to raise you into the Higher Realm of your own God Presence, so that you might have the experience and then develop once more the hunger and thirst for that glorious existence within the Heart of God. This is designed to once more tether you to the Realm of your own God Presence so you might forever hold fast to the Purity of your own Identity. As long as you are able to send forth the Devotion and Love of your Heart to your God Presence and to God in all of Life, you will fulfill your destiny. You will have the fullness of Opportunity. This is a Glorious Path. It is traversed because of the Mercy of the glorious Heart of God.