Bethlehem DayStar - DVD of Audio Files
Bethlehem DayStar - DVD of Audio Files

Price $30.00


Celebration of Purity & Perfection
in the White Fire Core of Being

2015 New Year's Conference held in Tucson, Arizona, December 28, 2014 - January 1, 2015

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You Experience the Reality, the Tangibility, the Unique Quality, and the All-Powerful Nature of Your Own God Identity

There is a Divine Star that shines just for you, more brilliant and precious than anything of this earthly plane. The Ascended Masters invite you to drink in its Radiance! These Releases are your invitation to celebrate your own Bethlehem DayStar of your God Presence — and follow it into the Purity and Perfection of the White Fire Core of Being! During the 2015 New Year’s Conclave, Elohim Surya, Gautama Buddha, Kwan Yin, Cyclopea, the Great Divine Director, El Morya, Djwal Kul, and other Ascended Masters released priceless Teachings on God Reality. Discover what your Presence is as inexhaustible Divine Perfection. Understand why Purity is so indispensable on the Spiritual Path. Bathe in Mercy Flame from Kwan Yin’s Heart. The Ascended Masters desire to charge your consciousness with Purity and Perfection — uplifting your world and helping the Star of your Presence blaze forth through your countenance and be a Radiance for all to behold!

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.