The Christ Mass in the Heart of the Central Sun
The Christ Mass in the Heart of the Central Sun

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The Christ Mass in The Heart of The Central Sun

New Year's Conclave 2009-2010 held in Tucson, Arizona, December 30 - January 3

During this most holy season of the year, the Grace of the Brotherhood and the Great Central Sun opens wide the cosmic high-ways for the Hand of God to still the troubled waters upon the Earth, anointing the bodies of the Sons and Daughters of God with Golden-White Holy Oil of Ascended Master light, lifting the burden of the mass consciousness, and bringing back into the blessed memory the greater expanse of life open to all. As this Liquid Light flows into the four lower bodies, it is like a sparkling wine that gladdens the heart, lifts the spirit, and bubbles up with Joy, Freedom, comfort, security, communion, and most of all home. We call it the Christmas Spirit. In the Realms of Perfection, it is an Eternal Christ Mass of Goodness and Righteousness.