Sunday Service, September 30, 2007
Sunday Service, September 30, 2007

Price $6.00

Discourse: The Supreme Importance of Divine Mind delivered by Anointed Representative® Monroe Julius Shearer

Dictation by the Beloved Maha Chohan: The Light Awaits Your Awakened Chalice delivered by Anointed Representative® Carolyn Louise Shearer

Audio file recorded September 30, 2007

There is a Light in the eye symbolic of your conscious thread of contact with your Individualized Mighty I AM Presence. It is Divine Memory flowing through the Crystal Cord as a living, moving thread of Light that knows itself. The challenge for most students is to consciously hold to the high frequency of Divine Memory. During Conferences, it usually takes until Friday for the consciousness of the collective student body to be raised enough to absorb the Consciousness of the Masters. The challenge then is for students to preserve intact, from one session to the next, the Consciousness the Ascended Masters have deposited into their worlds. It is a process of gaining Attainment to hold more of the charge of Light for longer periods of time. The Law is clear that restoration of this thread of connection and its integration must come from within your own consciousness, from the Light expanding from within out. This thread of contact is a spiritual process of investing you with the Mantle of your Divine Identity.

When your outer vehicles are stilled sufficiently to hear the sweet sound of the thread of contact with the Heart of God, you are able to build a garment of Light that serves the purposes of the Will of God. The road to the Ascension is traveled by initiates who are always keenly aware that God is at work within their life. The Light is right where you are, waiting for your vehicles of consciousness to awaken to the Reality of who you are. It is not enough to merely intellectualize that knowledge. There must be momentums of God Good, Virtues of the Christ established, and a Love for God that will not allow any amount of returning karma to disturb your thread of contact with the Heart of your Presence. Guard what is spoken, what is projected, what is emanated in your presence. Establish an atmosphere about you that entertains the Holy Angels, that allows the Ascended Masters to come from time to time in answer to your call. When the Heart Flame sends forth the Vibration that establishes a tone that says “I have given my all,” God can answer. This is the thread of contact.