Sunday Service, April 1, 2007
Sunday Service, April 1, 2007

Price $6.00

Discourse: Live in the Realm of Your Holy Christ Self delivered by Anointed Representative® Monroe Julius Shearer

Dictation by John the Beloved: Enter the Path of Perfect Love delivered by Anointed Representative® Carolyn Louise Shearer

Audio file recorded April 1, 2007

Students of the Ascended Masters are truly kindred spirits, for we have experienced the Vibration of the Masters and our own Presence and thus seek to throw off the weight of human consciousness and live in the Consciousness and Vibration of our Holy Christ Self. We are not to escape from this world — we are to bring down Ascended Master Fire, thrust it out into the world, and maintain it as the new norm for our life. Jesus compared the Holy Christ Self to the innocence and Purity of a child. The Path you are on calls for keen, conscious alertness regarding what you allow your emotions to register and your mind to accept as your center of gravity. Make room for the Mind of your Holy Christ Self to be the spontaneous, generating influence working through your outer mind and emotions. As this takes place, you will begin to live in the realms of your Holy Christ Self and Mighty I AM Presence. Call to Archangels Gabriel and Hope to fortify the blueprint of your identity.

John the Beloved descends from his nearby Retreat this Palm Sunday to initiate your Path of Perfect Love. You are ready to embark upon the journey that takes you into a greater Initiation of the Fires of the Heart. Each new day demands of your outer vehicles the ability to connect with Divine Consciousness. When you understand the importance of self-sacrifice, you begin to appreciate how quickly your chalice is filled when you have given your all. The Perfection you desire to bring forth is born out of the Consciousness of the Divine Will of your own Presence. Each day is a new beginning; each day is an opportunity to engage with the Hierarchy who serve the Flame of Love and with the Love of your own Presence; each day is an opportunity to become the Holy Christ Self that will extend that Love to all. John asks that you consider the palm you receive this day as a token of the pathway before you so you might elevate your consciousness into the Light and recognize that you are entering into a state of being that allows you to wear the Heart of your own God Presence for all the world to know.