Sunday Service, December 19, 2004
Sunday Service, December 19, 2004

Price $6.00

Discourse: Archangel Michael Stories delivered by Anointed Representative® Carolyn Louise Shearer

Dictation by Beloved Archangel Michael: You Never Know When I will Be Standing Beside You delivered by Anointed Representative® Carolyn Louise Shearer

Audio file recorded December 19, 2004

Bathing you in Blue Flame, Archangel Michael champions your Christhood! It is his Heart's desire that you be drawn closer to the Flame of God at this Christmastide, celebrating the birth of your own Christhood and welcoming the Holy Angels into your consciousness. Michael reminds you that building a daily momentum of calls to his Flame establishes a current between his Heart and yours, allowing you to discover the protective envelope of his Flame. Michael asks you to mark well the days, for they are numbered by your God Presence for you to expand your Heart, as well as the True Love of God and the Compassion for others. Joined by the Angel Micah, Archangel Michael proclaims that the fullness of your Faith must come forth at every step for you to fulfill your destiny!